Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A Beginner’s Guide To Outdoor Running - Chiropractor Approved Tips

You’ve made the decision to take your cardio routine from the treadmill to the sidewalk – congratulations! You’re on your way to reaping some amazing benefits.

Here are some tips to help get you started:

Warm up and cool down:

Make sure you stretch before and after your run. Stretches are an essential part of your running routine to avoid injuries.

Some important points to keep in mind:

·         Never stretch a cold muscle

·         Hold each stretch for a slow count of 30

·         Repeat twice on each side

·         Don’t overstretch—be comfortable

·         Don’t bounce when stretching

Pick a road or trail you are familiar with:

When starting out, the last thing you want to worry about is getting lost. Before you lace up your
sneakers, do some research: ask friends where they like to run, use online running forums to find popular routes, and check to see if your park has designated trails. 
The more popular and visible the trail, the better.

Wear the appropriate footwear:

Adapt your shoes to your environment. A regular running sneaker works for the flat, predictable surface of a treadmill. But once you are outdoors, make sure the sneaker’s tread can handle the gravel, dirt roads, and slick trails. Runners should get a sneaker that supports the feet while having the appropriate sole to help maneuver and provide support over uneven surfaces.

Start slow:

Running outside is more taxing on your muscles, joints and bones, making you more prone to injuries like shin splints. Start off with shorter distances on flat roads or trails. As your endurance improves, gradually increase your mileage and hill work.

Maintain a constant pace:

Don’t feel compelled to push yourself to run at the same pace that you would on a treadmill. Start with moderate and comfortable pace that allows you to run safely, and gradually increase your speed over several weeks as your body allows.

If you’ve been running on a treadmill for a while, transitioning to the outdoors may take time. The mechanics of running on a stationary treadmill are different than running outside on an uneven surface. When in doubt, you can always talk to a chiropractor about how to improve your form and prevent/manage injuries.

Note: Running is a high-impact activity. If you’ve never run before, please consult a chiropractor/medical practitioner to ensure you won’t worsen any pre-existing conditions or cause injury to your joints.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Knee Conditions Treated at New Hamburg Wellness Centre

Do you suffer from knee pain?

The human knee takes on a great deal of mechanical stress. 💥
As a result, many people suffer from a variety of knee complaints including:
• Arthritis
• Bursitis
• Patello-femoral disorders
• Osgoode Schlater's
• Chondromalacia
• Ligament sprains
• ITB syndrome
• Cartilage/meniscal damage
These injuries may arise for any number of reasons, including trauma, repetitive stress, abnormal mechanics, occupational and sport injuries, and the normal aging process. 🤾‍♀️🏈🏂
In the event that you suffer a knee injury that does not subside, contact our office to schedule an assessment with one of our licensed health professionals who deal in the diagnosis and treatment of knee pain.
Contact us today to make an appointment
📞 519-662-4441
📩 info.nhwc@bellnet.ca

Monday, March 22, 2021

13 Ways To Turn Spring Cleaning Into A Workout

Spring cleaning is a great way to add a bit more activity into your day.

Here are a few tips to transform your chores into a fun way to get your body moving.

1. Put on some tunes that make you want to move

Pick some tunes that will help you pick up the pace as you clean and put a little pep in your step. This adds a cardiovascular element to your cleaning that’s good for your heart.

2. Tighten those abs

Just thinking about your abs and keeping them flexed while you work can help build and tone abdominal muscles. It also helps to keep your back supported and prevents you from slouching.

3. Extend and lengthen typical movements

Make every movement as large as possible (up-down, left-right or in circles).

4. Add stairs

Take the stairs to carry laundry and supplies between floors (if you have the ability to). If you don’t have stairs, or have limited mobility, try to find little ways to add more steps or movement to your regular cleaning routine.

5. Be thorough

Don’t forget to mop, dust, or sweep below or behind furniture for your annual spring clean. Adding this extra movement helps you get to the corners you might skim over the rest of the year.

6. Squat!

Whether you’re cleaning a full-length mirror or scrubbing a shower wall, bathtub, or toilet, squat while you do so to help work your legs and glutes. With any body movement, if you focus on how you do it with proper form, not only are you getting a workout, you’re better-supporting your back.

7. Mop with the top

When you mop with your hand on top of the mop handle, it helps keep your back straight, and tones the arm muscles as you clean. Make sure you use a mop that suits your height to make sure you’re not over-extending your arms, neck, and shoulders.

8. Lunge while vacuuming

Adding a few lunges in with each movement of the vacuum handle adds some much-needed lower-body strength training to your routine. Keep your toes pointed straight ahead, and don’t bend your knees beyond a 90 degree angle.

9. Lunge while weeding

That’s right, lunging isn’t just for indoors: when doing outdoor chores and gardening, you can get your lunges in while pulling weeds too.

10. Prune from the top down

Pruning helps strengthen the forearms. It also involves reaching for top branches by getting on your toes, just like a calf raise.

11. Use your legs, not your back

Time for more low-back supporting squats. As you pour mulch or fertilizer on your lawn and garden, use your legs, not your back.

12. Let your weed-eater machine do the work.

Hold your abs tight and focus on your form as you lean forward to nip those weeds in the bud.

13. Bend from the knees

Whenever you need to lift something, never lean over; always bend from your knees. This includes cleaning toilets: squat or kneel on one knee instead. Not only is this smart for your back, it works your lower body. 

That’s a lot for one person in one day, but if you have family members or friends in your household, dividing those tasks and challenging each other can help you enjoy a cleaner home, a better workout, and some bonding time with those you spend time with the most.


Not all those motions or activities are for everyone. For ability-friendly modifications, you can always consult your chiropractor for guidance.




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Friday, March 12, 2021

5 Tips To Improve The Quality Of Your Child’s Sleep 😴

As adults, we easily recognize the benefits of a good night’s sleep for ourselves, and certainly we want the same for our children.

Sleep has an important restorative role to play and it is critical for healthy growth and development. Proper sleep can also help prevent health problems now and in the future. 👶

It is important to understand your child’s sleep needs and identify potential sleep problems early. Children need an ample amount of sleep to ensure that they are energized and have the ability to excel at the activities they enjoy. 😊

As a family, there are ways to build in good habits into your nightly routine to help your children get better sleep. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Tip 1 - A child’s bedroom should be a safe, secure, and quiet sleeping environment:
💻 Consider distancing electronics and devices away from the bed or keeping them out of the bedroom entirely.

Tip 2 - Establish a bedtime routine:
⏰ It is important to provide a short and consistent routine for children before bed.
⏰ A good routine will relax the child and encourage sleep.
⏰ The routine should be carried out in the child’s bedroom and should take place 15 to 30 minutes before bedtime.
⏰ It is recommended that the routine is predictable and consistent.
⏰ Be sure that there is a set bedtime.

Tip 3 - Keep a regular schedule:
📅 The bedtime routine and schedule should be followed every day, with the routine continued on weekends.

Tip 4 - Teaching a child to fall asleep alone:
🧒 When a child is older (over six months) the parent can slowly remove themselves from their bedside, allowing the child to grow accustomed to sleeping on their own.

Tip 5 - Encouraging daytime activities that help a child sleep at night:
🏃‍♂️ Exercise can help or hinder sleep depending on the time of the day that activity took place.
🤾‍♀️Exercise during the day will help the child fall asleep at night, whereas exercise close to bedtime may cause sleep onset insomnia. Ideally, exercise should stop two to three hours before bedtime.

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for everyone. But, like many good habits, it’s important to start at an early age. Creating a routine now is one of the easiest ways to make good sleep hygiene a long-lasting practice for your children. ✅

For more tips on maintaining sleep hygiene, visit your chiropractor.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A Good Night's Sleep

Everyone knows there’s nothing like a good night’s sleep for feeling refreshed and alert in the morning. On the other hand, not getting the seven or eight hours of sleep that you need may leave you feeling grumpy and tired all day.

But here’s something you may not know: you have far more control over the quality of your sleep than you think.


Your mattress should be flexible enough to adapt to your body’s shape, but firm enough to support your spine.

If you share your bed, look for one that provides independent support for each sleeper.


Your pillow should help keep your head and neck in line with your spine.

Try out a variety of pillows in the store to find the one that feels comfortable and works best for you.

Different types include memory foam, fibre, feather and buckwheat.


Canada’s chiropractors recommend sleeping on your back or side.

These positions allow your head, neck and spine to relax into their natural alignment.

This reduces stress and strain on your muscles and joints that can disrupt your sleep and lead to aches in the morning.


If you have low back pain and sleep on your back, put a pillow under your knees to take some of the pressure off your back.

Side-sleepers should put a pillow between their knees for support.


Try to go to bed at the same time every night – even on weekends – to keep your sleep cycle in a regular rhythm.

Avoid naps, but if you must, limit naps to less than 30 minutes, and be sure to have your siesta before 3 p.m.


Avoid caffeinated beverages, heavy meals, alcohol and vigourous exercise within two hours of bedtime – they can all disrupt sleep.


Some people like a hot shower before bed while others like to listen to relaxing music, watch TV or read.

These cues let your body know it’s time to prepare for sleep.


In the morning, open the curtains or blinds soon after you wake up.

Bright light helps to regulate your natural biological clock.


If you can’t fall asleep after 30 minutes of tossing and turning, get up and do something boring in dim light until you feel sleepy.

Try not to look at the clock – it may only make you feel anxious.

Sleep is an important aspect of your overall health – both your body and mind rest and refresh while sleeping. If you have continued difficulty getting a good night’s rest, consult a health professional, such as a chiropractor, who can help identify the problem and find solutions.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

New Hamburg Chiropractic Care

Did you know that chiropractic treatment can consist of more than just manual adjustments?

At the New Hamburg Wellness Centre, our Chiropractors utilize an integrated approach to treatment that is tailored to each specific individual.  

Some of the Chiropractic Techniques employed in our office include:

  • Laser Therapy
  • Medical Acupuncture
  • Electrotherapy
  • Activator Method
  • Rehabilitative Exercise Prescription
  • Active Release Therapy (ART)
  • Graston Soft Tissue Therapy

By offering a variety of treatment options, we are able to determine a treatment plan that is most effective and best for YOU!




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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Lift Right

Bend your knees to lift with ease. From moving planters to picking up paint cans, lifting correctly is key to preventing injury.

Here are a few tried and true rules for lifting safely and preventing back injury:

1. Stand close to the load to be lifted.
2. Place your feet shoulder width apart.
3. Bend your knees and keep your back straight.
4. Squat down to the level of the object and test the weight of the load.
5. Ask for help if the load is too heavy or awkward!
6. Use the strength of your leg and arm muscles (not your back) to smoothly and slowly lift the load. Try not to jerk when lifting.
7. Keep the load close to your body.
8. Never twist your body while turning and carrying the load.
9. Pivot to turn in the direction you want to move toward.
10. Bend your knees and slowly lower the load to its new location.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Sciatica - What You Need To Know + Tips For Relief

Have you ever had pain radiate from your low back, through your hips, and down one leg? If so, you may have experienced sciatica.


The sciatic nerve runs down the length of each leg, starting in your low back and ending at the heels of your feet. Sciatica is a term used to describe the pain caused by irritation of that nerve.

Sciatica is different from low back pain in that it results from the sciatic nerve, rather than the spine. This nerve serves an important function, affecting the hamstrings, calf muscles, lower leg muscles, and some foot muscles. In many cases, the pain gets worse with twisting, bending, sneezing or coughing.


Researchers estimate that 90 per cent of cases are caused by a herniated disc where the nerve root is compressed – something that may occur as a result of an injury, or age-related wear and tear. 

Other possible causes include lumbar stenosis, or piriformis syndrome.


Patients most often complain about pain radiating down the back of their leg, reducing their mobility.


There are certain risk factors that increase the chance of developing sciatica.

These include:

·         Age

·         Height

·         Mental stress

·         Cigarette smoking

In addition, certain occupations are predisposed to sciatic nerve pain, including machine operators and truck drivers.


When a patient complains of pain radiating down their leg, a chiropractor will typically conduct a full history and physical examination to determine whether the sciatic nerve is to blame.


When sciatica strikes, there are conservative chiropractic treatment options available.  These may include:

·         Mechanical traction

·         Spinal manipulation and mobilization

·         Soft tissue techniques

·         Laser therapy

·         Acupuncture

·         Ice/heat application

·         Electrotherapy

·         Rehabilitative exercise



Talk to your chiropractor to ensure you are doing everything you can to improve your condition at home. He or she may recommend one or more of the following:

·         Use hot and cold packs for comfort

·         Avoid sitting or standing for long periods

·         Practice good posture

·         Improve your core strength through exercise

·         Gently stretch out your lower back and hamstrings

·         Take a walk regularly, go swimming, or try aqua fitness

·         Use the proper technique when lifting heavy objects


You can reduce the chances of developing sciatica by exercising regularly and paying attention to your posture.

Try the following exercises if you’re looking for inspiration, but the most important thing is to find an activity you enjoy:

·         Walking

·         Jogging

·         Swimming

·         Cycling

·         Dancing

·         Strength training

·         Yoga

·         Tai Chi

·         Pilates

Chiropractors are spine, muscle, and nervous system experts who provide effective treatment to promote health, alleviate pain, and improve your quality of life.

If you’re struggling with sciatica and want relief, visit one of our chiropractors today.

And remember – you can always ask questions and take an active role in your recovery.

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