Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Meal Planning


Meal planning is a way to guarantee that your busy family will be able to easily gather to eat a healthy, delicious meal every night. 🥗

Meal planning can save you money and time. Plus, meal planning can help your family reduce food waste and make it easier for a greater variety of nutritious foods to end up on your plates. 🍽

Guide to Successful Family Meal Planning:
▶ Start small if you’re new to meal planning – start with two to three meals a week. 📆
▶ Create a list of the ingredients you’ll need to make the recipes planned for that week. 📃
▶ Take stock of what food you have already, to reduce food waste and over-purchasing. 💲
▶ Create a grocery list of what you need. 🛒

#mealprep #cooking #groceries #family #planning #nutrition #healthyeating #health #wellness

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