Individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome experience numbness and tingling in the hand, which can be accompanied by a weakness in gripping. 🤜 These symptoms are due to compression of the median nerve, which travels from the neck, through the muscles of your forearm and wrist, and into the hand. 🖐
Compression of the median nerve may arise from inflammation of the tendons of the wrist, with direct injury or activities involving repetitive movements of the hand and wrist being common causes. ⌨ 🛠
In some cases, carpal tunnel symptoms can be caused by pregnancy, or other diseases such as thyroid disorders and rheumatoid arthritis. 🤰
The key with treatment is to determine the true cause of symptoms, and to treat the cause directly whenever possible. ✅
This is where we can help! Consult with one of our knowledgeable health care practitioners to receive personalized advice and treatment. 👍
📞 519-662-4441
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