Wednesday, January 17, 2024

How Yoga Can Help Ease Your Pain


Yoga is a helpful tool for physical and mental well-being. It combines stretching, strength, and meditation to ease stress in the body and promote strength, flexibility, and relaxation. But, did you know yoga also has the potential to help you with your pain? 🧘‍♀️

There have been a number of studies published on the association between yoga and its effects on low back pain and chronic pain. In each study, there were benefits observed both in the short-term and long-term to varying degrees. The bottom line was that an element of active care, which can include yoga, can improve outcomes when you’re suffering from pain. ✅

Taking an active role in your health has been shown to improve your pain more effectively. With yoga, the benefits come from the combination of controlled breathing, body and posture awareness, meditation, strength, and flexibility.

Studies continue to investigate the benefits of mind-body exercises like yoga. For right now, there’s no harm in trying this type of exercise out to help complement your pain management program as long as you practice safely.

#yoga #WellnessWednesday #exercise #pain #health #wellness #activecare

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