Monday, February 27, 2023

Fight The Winter Blues


❄The days are slowly getting longer (yay!) but the weather is still cold and makes us yearn for spring.
While the cold and dark days add to the prevalence of seasonal affective disorder, more sedentary time could contribute as well. 🌨🛏
Fortunately, there are effective strategies to help combat the winter blues. Be prepared for the winter months to come with a few of these tips.
Exercise can help banish your winter blues and shouldn’t be skipped. Whether you grab a basketball, a dumbbell or a yoga mat, a good sweat session releases feel-good brain chemicals that reduce depression and improve your mood. Plus, your metabolism and energy level will both stay elevated for a few hours after your workout. So brave the cold and move. It’s worth it! 🏃‍♀️🏀🧘‍♂️
Make the best out of a steady snow fall by cross-country skiing or snowshoeing. Even winter tasks have benefits. Snow shoveling might be a chore, but it's also a pretty strenuous workout and can burn more than 400 calories an hour. 🏂👍
Time spent in the sun helps your body process Vitamin D and releases neurotransmitters that can boost your mood. Add a few extra outdoor activities to your week like a walk around the neighbourhood. As for your home – keep your shades up during the day or use “full spectrum” light bulbs to replicate natural light indoors. ☀
Endless winter days are no fun. Everyone is happier when they are looking forward to an exciting event on the horizon. Plan a weekend getaway or a ski trip. If you want to indulge on your own, a massage has been shown to reduce stress hormones and increase serotonin and dopamine, which are depression-fighting chemicals. Laugh, relax or escape to keep the winter blues away. 💆‍♂️

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