Thursday, February 10, 2022

How To Prepare And Condition Your Body For Skiing This Winter

❄ Winter can be a splendid and enjoyable time of year, especially if you love winter sports like skiing.  ⛷ But did you know that skiing can pose some risks to your muscles and joints if you are not adequately prepared⁉

Commonly, muscles that work to internally rotate the hips are activated and engaged during skiing – key for maintaining balance and coordination. 🏂 A great way to condition the body and build muscle memory for skiing is to practice your technique with the use of balance boards, in-line skates, or sports that require quick movements and changes of direction. 🛹

Another important aspect to skiing is the need for endurance and stamina. Interval training is a great tool to build endurance, where you maximize your input for short bouts of time. ⏱ The gains made through interval training can translate into meaningful improvements to your overall endurance; however, as with all activities, progression is key! 👍

Maintaining good muscle and joint range of motion is important, and building mobility is key to preventing injuries. Our Chiropractors can help you improve your joint and muscle function, as well as provide some guidance on how to best increase your mobility safely based on your individual goals and needs. The earlier you start, the better prepared you will be. ✅

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